Sunday, July 29, 2012

more Rogue Space goddies!

Okay, Last Monday, I actual  played Rogue Space for the first time. but I used some house rules for currency , so we didn't have to flip thought the book. Requisition Points.
Each Player gets 4 of them. A L weapon/armor  cost 1 Requisition Point, An M Weapon/armor  cost 2  Requisition points, etc.   Gadgets and Devices work the same way-if you want a computer that gives +1 when hacking , that's +1 RP.  But if want something like a strength enhancing gauntlet, the cost will be a combination of how big the bonus is, and how many times it can be used per day (so a clocking field that adds +2 to your attempts to hide, but only has enough charge for 1 uses per day,  would cost 3 RP) I tend to assume that the PCs automatically have things  like food and oxygen mask etc     

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Mass effect Rogue Space stuff (at long last!)

Hey gang, remember my last post where I said I would post the rest of Rogue Space -Mass Effect stuff latter today? well...there was a fire. And a plague. And horde of Locus. Among other things.
But anyhow, here's the alternate version of the mass effect races to Rogue Space:

Asari: Can use a failed biotic power twice before having to 'push' it OR can take two biotic powers at character creation. Restricted to the  Rogue/scoundrel archetype, with +1 to empathy

Turians are restricted to the warrior/solider  archetype, but get half off weapons and armor at character creation

Korgans are also restricted the warrior/soldier  but get a close range head butt attack (M)

Quirans are technicians, with +1 to repairing, and get an extra +1 when dealing with ship systems. In a addition, they get +1 to damage rolls against synthetic enemies

Salarians are also Technicians, with +1 to Scientific, and can move an extra 5 feet/1 space in movement OR can uses tech powers the same way asari use biotic powers

Humans (optionally) get one extra luck at level 1

I have no idea about what to give the Drell, or the Batarians

anyhow, if you need information on weapons and Biotic/Tech powers, go to Mik's Minis Blog, as I feel he did all the hard work for me. I'll get back to you latter, with some of the house rules I used in my first game   

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rogue space -mass effect

I've been recently  been messing with this rules light RPG called   Rogue Space , a space opera game, very easily customizable, and I thought to myself 'wouldn't  this be great for a Mass effect game?' apparently, somebody else had  the same idea! Now, I like how this guy handled weapons, biotics, and tech powers, (and see no reason to change any of it)  but not some much how he handled races-their's only three of them and they seem a bit over powered...So I've decided to post my versions of the mass effect species.

Now, I have two 'versions' of my mass effect race write-up (try saying that 10 times fast) : one is done the way main rules suggest you do alien races: restrict them to one archetype (class, basically) but give them a special ability to make up for it, and a more 'DnD' kind of way-giving each race +1 in one attribute, but -1 in another , with humans having no advantage or disadvantage, letting anybody be any archetype. I'm going to post the second kind first-more balanced, easier to type

Asari: +1 empathy, -1 fighting   

Korgan: +1 hit points, -1 empathy

Salarian : +1 scientific, -1 repairing

Qurian: +1 repairing, -1 acquiring

Drell: +1 acquiring, -1 scientific

Turian: +1 fighting, -1 acquiring

will probably post the alternate versions latter today, and check out the sample rules!   It comes with a mini adventure generator 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mysteries of the marvel universe episode 1: Of pants and hulks

Of all the bizarre wonders and urine-spilling terrors of the marvel universes, their is none more incredible then Bruce Banner's rampaging alter-ego. But one question about the irradiated behemoth has always linger in the mind of people with far too much time on their hands: what the hell's up with the hulk's pants? They always grow to the with him while every other scrap of cloths is shredded, and their always purple, no matter  what color Banner's original pants.
It's almost as if  the universe is trying to spear/deny us a look at the hulk's pulsating member (unless we're counting the ultimate universe, which were not, because fuck Mark Miller that's why) .
Anyhow, to answer this age old  riddle, we must turn to marvel's first family: The Fantastic Four. Now, the Four make most of their money off Reed's patents, right? and what's one of Reed's most known inventions?  Nigh-unbreakable fabric made out of unstable molecules.
 And who better to take advantage of this discovery than the fashion industry? Now, It's probably too expensive to make regular civilian cloths out of unstable molecules, but whose to say that they couldn't mix a bit of the stuff in with the regular martial for increased durability?
 Perhaps gamma radiation reacts adversely with these trace amount of unstable molecules , turning the pigment of the fabric purple. Perhaps I should   stop taking request from my friends on what to write about. Perhaps I should invest in a bomb shelter and power rangers memorabilia. Perhaps I should  stop asking the internet